TGIF!!! I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel :) This week has definitely challenged me, but I think I've started a good habit by jotting down my thoughts each day. A year ago, a coworker told me about the app Day One. It's what I've been using all week & I highly recommend it.
We actually had quite of few treat or treater this year, but I didn't get any photos :( They caught me off guard! Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween.
26 photos with my iPhone 5, 5 photos with my iPad mini
7:15am Via Pumpkin Spice Latte
7:20am Early morning crafting
7:47 What I'm listening to
10:34am Skyping with Mom & Dad
3:48pm Laundry...that's going to have to wait
3:51pm The freezer that used to belong to my grandparents
6:08pm Last minute mani/pedi
10:33pm Prepping cake for tomorrow's party